Sep 6, 2015

Facebook! - Do we have problems?

Do I have good friends? How about another question, who are the fans on Facebook Fan Page(s)?
Is somebody stealing contents from my and other private blogs? Nooooo! Why would anybody do this and post it as his own, giving no credits for? Is this stealing at all? 

Lot of questions, On some I know answers, but some are without answers still.

What about Facebook! Facebook is in mess. That is the main reason this Blog is not posting on  Facebook. Facebook is great social network, On the other hand they are using automatic for almost everything. The worse result of using automatic are users accounts: automatic popups without famous "you seems not to be real person" so verify your account with: 1. security code and 2. through recognizing images of your friends. Use real name, verify your account with ID..... how many users lost their accounts because they did not pass those images of their friends part? By the way you cant wait too long to recognize your friends through images because after some time they will disable your account. Then you will maybe be able to send your ID to verify your account. About that ID sending I will not speak because I have different opinion about this. Enough of that! 

This is what is making me angry the most now!

Blocking links and posts, Something went wrong, Links are malicious, Disappearing posts from the Page....that is what is Facebook doing lately. At the same time those blocked links somebody will short using different shorter and post it as their own without any problem. I wrote to Facebook for and about every popup I've got and what they have done? 
My support inbox is full of my reports and their automatic answers. 

I do not think anybody read about reported problem(s) it is much easier to do that their way.
Ofc some "great" people are one reason Facebook's automatic react with blocking link, links or post even blog(s). Those are not friends, fans, those are snakes, cowards, lot of them are on my friend list. This I will comment by using proverb from my Country: "Batina ima dva kraja", and this is not threat. Meaning is that somewhere, somehow from God knows who, bad people will get what they deserve. That is destiny. 

Let me finish as I started this post:
"Do I have good friends? How about another question, who are the fans on Facebook Fan Page(s)?
Is somebody stealing contents from my and other private blogs? Nooooo! Why would anybody do this and post it as his own, giving no credits for? Is this stealing at all? 

Lot of questions, On some I know answers, but some are without answers still."

I do hope you all have much better Sunday then me. Somebody made sure that mine is not.

But, tomorrow is another day.

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