Oct 11, 2012

Zynga Support - Social Support: Getting Started Guide

Hi Players!

Our updated site is finally here! This guide is a walkthrough of the site and its features, including the new Account Registration process and how to participate in Social Support. So let's get started!

TIP: Select your language first from the Language drop-down list at the top of the page so we talk the same language!

Account Registration

We have a brand new Account Registration system. Here's how to get your new account setup.

IMPORTANT: You must set up a new account to interact with Social Support and to submit help requests to Customer Support.
  1. Click Facebook Connect at the top of the page.
  2. Sign in to Facebook and allow the Zynga Player Support application access to your Facebook account. You can adjust Privacy settings in the bottom left corner of the Zynga Player Support dialog box.
  3. Create a nickname for your account. This nickname will appear in your Social Support actions only.
  4. Click Create Account. The system checks to make sure your nickname is unique.
  5. Click refresh in your browser to refresh the page.

That's it! Your new account is created and a simple account profile displays. 

Only you can see your account details. You can check your account profile at any time by clicking Account at the top of the page.

Now that you're signed in, let's look around!

Participating in Social Support

You can start by:
  • Searching by a keyword: Results contain hits from both questions and articles from our knowledge base.
  • Selecting your game from one of the large game boxes, or from the list below the large game boxes, or from the drop-down list at the top of the page.
After selecting a game, the Social Support page for your game displays. From here, you can participate in Social Support, or search for content.

Social Support has the following features: 

Common Actions

  • Ask a question: Post a question for another player to answer.
  • Answer a question: Answer another player's question. You can even answer your own question, similar to a wiki. (NOTE: Other players cannot edit your answers.)
  • Report a post: If you feel a post does not adhere to the Rules of Conduct, you can flag a post by clicking the red flag icon to the right of a post. Moderators review all flagged posts.
  • Remove your post: You can remove your posts at any time by clicking the red flag icon to the right of a post.


  • Open Questions: A list of questions that have not been answered.
  • Answered Questions: A list of questions that have an answer.
  • Everything: All Open and Answered questions.
  • Following: Questions you are following. This option does not appear until you ask or follow a question.

Question and Answer Level Options

  • Unfollow/Follow: You automatically follow any questions you post, and you can follow questions by other players. You can unfollow any post you are following.
  • Like/Unlike: You can like a post, or remove your like from a post.
  • Comment: You can comment on another player's answer. You could use this to add more clarification to an answer.
  • Best Answer: If another player answers your post and the answer worked for you, select Best Answer for that post to let others know.
It's just that simple. So get out there and start posting!

Community Forums

Want to talk about it? Share tips and insight with other players. You never know who you might meet.
Visit Community Forums >

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