Aug 8, 2012

Problems with Multiple Friend Selector Requests

We’ve been receiving reports from players who are starting that they are having various problems with the Multiple Friend Selector (the MFS), the windows in which you send requests to specific friends for help, building / crafting parts, or crew. We are aware of these issues, and our development teams are looking into solutions. Please refer to the problems explained below, to see if this is something that you are experiencing.
Problem 1 – Friends missing from the MFS
Sometimes the MFS will load, and you will be missing some friends who otherwise should be there; friends from Facebook, or friends from Please remember that while your Facebook friends will appear on, any friends you have from will not appear on Facebook. But any friends you have made on should appear when playing games on If this happens, please try sending your request later. Sometimes the lists aren’t populating correctly, which can cause this problem.
Problem 2 – Friends not being removed from the MFS / Requests not being sent
Sometimes the MFS will load, and you will have all the friends listed that you should, but when you make your choice and click Send Request, the MFS will refresh, and those initial choices will still be listed. If this happens, please immediately try to resend the request. It may take multiple attempts, but the MFS will update properly.
Still Experiencing MFS-related Issues?  Report via "Please Fix!". 
How does vote to click work? By clicking on "Please Fix!", this tracks the number of customers that have been affected by the particular issue. Daily and weekly reports are sent to the Game studio with the number of the players that clicked on the button, specific to the issue. If you do not need an answer from Customer Support, we recommend you click on "Please Fix!" as an alternative to contacting us. 

Again, we apologize for any inconvenience you may be experiencing when it comes to sending requests to your friends. We understand this is a core part of your game play and are actively working towards a resolution for the players affected. 

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